Things I have made to try to be a fellow workman with the Maker.
I have worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I am most proud of. You can check them out if you want and even request to contribute to make them better
Raeven Marketplace
Marketplace for all sellers, buyers and riders. And you do not need to have a big shop, even if it is Akara you sell, you can open a shop on the platform.
A web3 application that aims to allow patients own their medical records therefore removing the issue of having to buy cards and register into different hospitals.
Francis Shop
So I have this friend who sells gadgets, and testing out the power of raw NextJS and the SSR on it, I built this amazing shop he now uses to reach out to more customers.
FZX Group
So FZX is one of the most amazing firms aimed at connecting africa with fibre optics internet, with blazing speed and.